Je unproduktiver ein Mensch ist, desto staerker das Beduerfniss nach Selbstbestaetigung. Selbstbestaetigung als Selbstzweck. Da moechte man dann doch lieber Tier sein. Die habens vielleicht einfacher. Zumindest wenn es um Selbstwert geht. Obwohl: auch meine dicke Katze leidet bisweilen unter Depressionen. Wenn ich ihre Zaertlichkeitsversuche auch nur einmal verweigere - dann verkriecht sie sich tagelang und kommt nur noch nachts zum Fressen, wenn sie weiss, dass wir sie nicht sehen. Was soll denn das? Die ist ja schlimmer als ich!
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I agree that this may not be the most appropriate forum for diuscssing the possible reasons for the continued poor’ TSS score but it is a rich topic for more private speculation. It is also interesting to note just how important all kinds of ranking (i.e. not just science-oriented research ranking such as the Shanghai’ index but also TTS satisfaction data, not to mention teaching quality data) are scrutinised by universities like Manchester these days. Looking at it from my perpective, I find myself introspecting about the measure for judging my own (and our LTE) contribition to such rankings. Do we contribute sufficiently to student satisfaction (although this is, I think, focused more on undergraduate than PGT or PGR satisfaction, and here we have less of a stake)? Do we contribute sufficiently to teaching quality? (I very much hope and believe so!) Do we contribute to our research ranking? If nothing else, this strengthening Doctoral Community is one such contribution I hope
i know i’m a little off topic, but i just wtaend to say i love the layout of your blog. i’m new to the blogegine platform, so any tips on getting my blog looking good would be appreciated.
You keep it up now, understand? Really good to know.
Dingle, you give me too much credit. I am not good with colruos, I just happen to know my pinks! I am crap with blues for example and don’t even know how to spell turkwoyze! Oh, I was looking for a coin purse the other day where did you get yours?BTW My link now actually links to my current blog (as opposed to the now BLOCKED one).
Have used the Airblade many times. It’s putrid. I’ve never been able to use it without my (small) hands touching some part of the top area. And the other person I saw use it was cursing it because her hands touched it too. They need to make the spacing about 3 cm more at least.
Finding this post. It’s just a big piece of luck for me.